Our pest control specialists get a lot of questions about insects, rodents, and treatment options when they're out and about.

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to most common questions. Can't find an answer? Call us!

General Questions

Why should I hire a professional when I can try and do it myself?

Pests are a resilient bunch and are adept at hiding and entering a home in places you would never think. A pest management professional will know where to look for pests and make expert recommendations on what it will take to prevent or eliminate pests. Also, a licensed pest professional is the only person who can apply pesticides.

How long after the initial treatment does it take to see results?
What dangers do pests pose to my family?
What are the most common household pests in Texas?


Why do fleas, German roaches, and bed bugs require more than one treatment to control?

Fleas, German roaches, and bedbugs are highly mobile pests and can be carried easily between locations or within an apartment building. Identifying the source of the infestation and taking the proper steps to ensure a re-infestation does not occur can take multiple service visits.

What is included in the General Pest Control Service?

Regular Service

What is the value of having a regularly scheduled pest service even when I don’t see pests in my house?
Are the pest treatments safe for my pets?